Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I heard the most interesting thing today...

On the way home from work, I heard that the Washington Redskins have a perfect record of predicting the outcome of presidential elections ever since they moved to Washington DC in 1937. When they win their last game before election day, the incumbent party wins. When they lose, of course, the challenging party wins.

The particular game in question will be played in DC against the Packers on October 31st. Neither team is having a great season. How many players on each team are going to try to cast their vote and change the course of the future by doing what they can to see that their candidate wins?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Well, now that I have reserved a parking spot for my own blog, I guess I should do something with it. To start with, I'll be writing about my experiences in my professional life and interesting tidbits I hear about related to technology. As well as that, I'll throw in bits about the media and some of my own personal interests. Let's see if this actually does anything, shall we?