Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Internets, Complacency, And Me.

This entry has been baking for a long time, while I have been gathering evidence against myself in observing my lack of new adventures on the world-wide-web.  While my writing upon the subject may not be all that lengthy, I think it bears some scrutiny even if only for my own self examination.

The leading indicator of my home-grown personal epidemic lies in the lack of new bookmarks and websites I actively use to check the pulse of the Internets.  There was a time when I would check in on up to 20 different websites in the course of a single day, and most of those were "news" sites, featuring a short blurb and a link to the actual content on other websites.  Now?  I only have 3 sites I chick with any regularity:
  • CNET's
  • The Inquirer
  • My personal iGoogle page.
Granted, my iGoogle page has multiple tabs, and each tab has lots of gadgets and feeds, but there are only a few links from there that actually get clicked on in any daily fashion.

A lot of the reason for my compressed internet schedule is due to my own changing habits.  I no am no longer worried about how to get the ABSOLUTE MOST game out of my computer.  I'm wowed more by the new tricks on the TiVo and XBOX 360, for which my computer may be considered a conduit, but other than that isn't really used with the same regularity.

Another reason for the lack of adventurous reading comes from many of my former favorites either being bought by other sites (possibly changing the style), disappearing off the map, or maybe I just don't feel I need it any more.  For instance, I used to check (when I wasn't subscribing to their magazine) on a regular basis, but then CNET bought them.  I had already been a regular user of various CNET sites, so with the exception of checking in on John C. Dvorak on occasion I don't have much use for any more.

So tell me, Internets, where my new adventure?  What's the next Holy Grail for me to search for?  I'd like to know. 
Blogged with the Flock Browser


  1. Babe, I've seen your iGoogle page. It scares me. I don't think I've ever seen such a congregation of geeky tabs and links on a computer before.

    But you feel you've grown complacent, (even though you haven't quite reached my level of internet minimalism), so I'll try to help you figure it out.

    As you already noted, your techy interests have basically streamlined like the market itself. If you can get most of the information you're looking for in one or two places, there really is no reason to go to twenty different places anymore. It just starts to feel redundant after awhile. The internets have developed a sort of Borg-like mentality, especially with the advent of sites like Digg, that assimilate information from all over the web into one easy-to-surf site. I don't think your interest in any of these topics has waned at all. I think it's more about how the internet itself has changed.

    How to fix this? Branch out into something completely different. Take up a new hobby like building robots or rockets, or coin collecting... or building coin-collecting robots that shoot rockets. Or do like me and write stories! :)

  2. Maybe I should write stories about building coin-collecting robots that shoot rockets, is that what you are saying?

  3. It's a place to start! As far as new ideas go, it's better than anything I have at the moment... lol

  4. I recommend you just to just go through the facebook page........... perhaps, indeed it will be quiet interesting...............
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