Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Morning Musings

I've been working long hours lately, getting to work some time around 6:00am so I can leave at an early enough hour to enjoy the company of my family. This has somehow been accomplished without the help of an alarm clock. I'm really not sure how I managed to do it, but I like that I can get up early in the morning without disturbing anyone else in the house with blaring noises.

That leads me to this morning. I'm up with nowhere to go, so I figured I would use the opportunity to write a little.

I'd like to lay out some of my thoughts on living with a burgeoning writer. I have always enjoyed writing, but haven't felt much need for an outlet for it until Allison came along. She and her friend Chris, whom I am happy to claim as my own friend too, have helped me realize more of my own enthusiasm for writing than I knew I had. This has led me to find new uses for tools like Remember The Milk. I have a list, which you can find in the kEnny's Tasks section of the sidebar, to show future topics I might write about. I really love that I can simply add something to that list whenever I feel inspired, then pick up that train of thought when I have time later.

I'm learning that living with a writer has its own challenges. Allison needs more time to herself, just like anyone with a "real" job might need to travel to their place of work to actually grind through the particular chores of their occupation. For her to write at home, this comes in the form of some isolation from the frenzy currently defining our children (and probably myself as well). She will find it easier to have a chunk of time during the day to work once the kids are both in school, which she might be looking forward to just a bit. The nice thing is that she has a wide selection of mood music to choose from and a nice place from which to write, with a fairly large workspace and a big window close by. I don't think she would have been able to throw herself into it nearly as much if we (that should really be she, but I did try to help a little) hadn't kept an eye out for her workspace since we moved into the new house.

Her excitement has been rather infectious, and I'm really glad to have been a part of it.

-I should also add at this point that I love the dawning of the new day. I've written the previous words in the last forty minutes, and just noticed that I can see the light starting to fill the sky. One of my favorite morning-time memories is from about ten years ago. The cubicle I occupied at the time, with my current employer, was on the fourth floor on the eastern side of the eastern building of the campus. This put us up above most of the trees for a good distance at the time. The spectacular thing that made the memory special was the way everything above the level of the cubicle walls was lit in golden brilliance as the sun came up. Just sitting in my cube during sunrise, I could see the air shimmering over my head. Really amazing stuff!-

Thanks for letting me share!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Alien probe alert!

Does this really work?

I'm attempting to use Word 2007 to write and post this blog entry. I'm a bit skeptical, in part because it feels a bit blasphemous. I've been a big fan of using Flock for this task, but now that I've got a moment to try it out I have to admit I'm a little excited to see how it does.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

E-Tools that have me hexed, and some that don't.

This is more of a feedback entry than introducing anything new, and for that I apologize. There are a number of my regular tools whose usage has changed and their operation (or lack of) should be noted.

twitter.png?1218839625Where to begin... Twitter has been all over the place, functionally speaking. I've recommended it's use to a number of people, both as an organizational aide and for fun, and for about half of those instances there has been something bad going on over at Twitter. I'm happy to say that overall, they seem to have gotten it together, but it hasn't been without some loss of functionality elsewhere. One of those losses has been my twitter sidebar gadget (formerly on the right). Since the gadget doesn't work at the moment, and I don't seem to be able to capture the RSS feed, I decided to remove it for now. I'm keeping it on my mobile blog, if only for the link it still provides.

I have been a little "mixed bag" about Flock's most recent beta (you know, probably because it is a beta!). One of it's downfalls for me has been the (hopefully temporary) loss of keystroke access to the blog editor. The new security features inherited from Firefox have been a pain to deal with, but I can see their necessity.

One good note is that where I had previously been unable to use Flock's blog editor without trouble from the Flock Blog Plus add-on, I'm not having that problem any more.

Google LabsGoogle's Send to Phone add-on for Firefox has been retired. I've come up with a substitute of sorts, by borrowing from the clues left by Flock when sharing a link via webmail. I now have a bookmark to open Gmail's Compose Message page, with the To: address filled in with my phone's SMS address. This works almost as good, as Send to Phone did.


In my last big post, discussing event organizing, somebody left a comment saying how great their product was. I thought I'd try it out. After reading up on it a little, I made an account for myself and attempted to login, but it didn't work. To make matters worse, there was no password recovery/reset tool either. So much for being able to recommend it.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Really. What the heck IS happening here?

I've been very busy elsewhere this last month, so one might be asking just that question.  It hasn't been for lack of topics to write about.  My lack of correspondence may be partially related to the staggering number of things upon which I wanted to air my opinions, but things have been busy as well.  The most Headline-able event was that Allison's hard work at the keyboard has taken a big leap toward her (dare I say?) dreams.  She was just recently notified of her selection to have a piece of her's included in a compilation of short stories to be published soon!  I am so very proud of her, and consider myself lucky to discuss her work with her during the fun stages (before she has to actually make a story out of it).

I am going to try to make a better effort to keep my own content updated on a more regular basis, even if it is only for the fact that this is rather theraputic.
Blogged with the Flock Browser