Monday, April 21, 2008


Many moons ago, Allison became obsessed with taking her blog's template and making it her own. I was genuinely excited for her efforts and many hours of hard labor to turn out such a nicely polished site, but felt no compulsion at the time to do anything of the sort for mine.

Having added a few new blogs to my own repertoire just recently, I've been suddenly bitten by a similar bug. Nothing offered by Blogger seemed good enough any more. I found a number of free templates, and I was immediately hooked. Autogotistical Carpinions got the first new dress, and I have just completed the new suit for my mobile blog. I haven't spent this much effort playing with photo editing software since I managed to attach my uncle Marty's head to a manatee gracefully swimming underwater (rather convincingly, might I add!) , about 12 years ago!

In the midst of all the terrible things going on in the world, I'm feeling a little bit as if my life is facing a new dawn. I'm pursuing a few more of my interests, and enjoying watching some of my friends and family enjoy theirs as well. I'm excited to have plans for what I'd like to write about, however trivial it may be, and that I can make a useful contribution.

I wonder how long I've been needing to scratch this itch.

2 quick plugs:
  1. My sister mentioned my blog on her's (, so I would like to point anybody drifting by toward her place in return. I'm proud of all 3 of my sisters and am always happy to point his out.
  2. The latest entry on my mobile blog features a rather funny slip-up that may be rather large in nature. My employer contracts a food service called Bon-Apetit to provide all of the catering and meal services at each site. Somebody there or contracted by them made a little mistake that has shown up on all the tables where I work. I took a picture of it this afternoon. See if you can find it before reading the lower caption here.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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