Tuesday, December 09, 2008

New Drapery

I've been playing with this blog's post formatting and sidebar of late, adding bits here and there as I find new features for it.  I've become a bit of a Digger, so I've added the Digg tabs at the top of posts, and the multi-bookmark links at the bottom (thanks to Allie for the last one ).

Blogger has some newer features, like instant feedback (check under the post labels), in-line comments, playlists (sort of lame),  and of course I had to update my Ad$ense options.

The latest thing to hit the social network news has been Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect, and so naturally I have bought my own corner lot to try out.  I added a Friend Connect widget to the sidebar as well.

I know what you are saying.  Why the heck did you clutter up your sidebar so much, kEnny?  I'll tell you why.  It's mine to pollute as I see fit, and I don't have anything better to do here than to see what works and what doesn't.

Won't you do me a favor and let me know what you do or don't like about these things?

Blogged with the Flock Browser


  1. sweet! how do you add the little digg thingy? I should do that

  2. Check back through my diggs to find them. I found the one at the top of the posts, while Allison found the bottom. I dugg them both.

    Thanks for being my friend!!!

  3. Your lack of new blog is... well, you know...

  4. I've got enough blogs, thanks, and I've put up 3 NEW posts in the last 7 days. How many have you done in the same time? :^P

  5. Mobile blogs don't count. It's been 9 days since you posted something here. :)

  6. Even if they didn't, which they do, there would still appear to be one other ORIGINAL post of mine that has gone unread, which isn't on my mobile blog.
