Friday, November 07, 2008

Blah, blah, blog!

What am I doing? I'll tell you.
  • I'm catching up on The Daily Show with John Stewart, and The Colbert Report, while Allie exercises her brain and fingers.
  • I am happy having heard that one of my cousins has another child on the way.
  • I'm exited about the prospect of having a sizable group of family and friends over to our new digs for Thanksgiving Dinner (YUM), featuring a few other cousins.
  • I am waiting for twitter to start working again. In the mean while I've stopped getting updates on my phone.
  • I'm happily attempting to connect with yet another cousin and his family, whom I have discovered can be found on twitter on occasion.
  • I just checked my Adsense account, and afer YEARS of making space available on this blog, I have earned all of $4.21!!! Only $96 more, and Google will have to pay me the month after!!! Woohoo!!!
Does "reconnecting with the fam" mean I'm getting old? I don't care. I'm just happy to have the opportunity to to do so. Growing up significantly older than most of my cousins, I've always had a soft spot for them, and they are ALL a joy to converse with. I enjoy their divergence, wisdom, and wit. I'm only sorry that I can't still give them piggy-back rides and tickle them until they are rolling on the floor. I guess it is okay that some of them now have children so I might be able to make them laugh in turn.
Blogged with the Flock Browser


  1. I might be persuaded to let you give me a piggy-back ride. As long as you don't think it would break you

  2. Kimbolily, please forgive my forgetfulness. I should have given some mention about my siblings, who share very much the same qualities as my cousins. But I haven't been out of touch with them nearly as much as I have my (our) cousins. :^)

  3. Your lack of new blog is disconcerting.

  4. Why disconcerting? I've been busy with other stuff while you write. I've got something planned for Thanksgiving organizers, or some such nonsense.

  5. Besides, I keep in touch pretty regularly with like 40% of ALL the people who have ever commented on my blogs. So there! :^)
